The Sicily Slip Dress in Viscose

I’m excited to have finally finished my first bias-cut garment! This is a project which is simple to fit and make, but still a bit technical since it is bias cut. The pattern is by a new indie designer based in Australia, Sewing Patterns by Masin.

The only modification I made to the pattern was to take in the cowl neck slightly because it felt super low on the toile I made. However, after sewing up the pattern in this medium weight viscose (From my favorite store Sacrés Coupons), I realized the difference was only due to the loose weave of the fabric used in my toile. However, I think it still has a beautiful drape in the final version, and will probably keep it like this when I make more versions.

This is a pretty quick sew overall. The longest parts are lining up the pattern pieces on the bias as accurately as possible, and then letting the dress hang on the bias before completing the baby hem in order to let the fibers “settle” and stretch out. Otherwise there are only 4 pieces of fabric to sew together! Front, back, and 2 straps. The self facing just folds over onto itself.

The only advice that I might give anyone on this pattern is to invest in 2 useful sewing gadgets:

A loop turner is very cheap and makes the skinny straps super easy to do. I can’t believe I struggled so many years turning fabric inside out inside of buying this! I got mine on

Also, this is the first time I used my skirt marker (Link to This helps me get a much more accurate hem rather than using my ruler to measure up from the floor and awkwardly trying to mark the fabric.

Loop turner
Hem marker

And now, my search for the perfect silk continues!

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